40,000 Listens
$2,000 USD
Per Month
Our hosts will read your commercial themselves and drive traffic to your product, service, or landing page.
100,000 Listens
$5,000 USD
Per Month
Our hosts will read your commercial themselves and drive traffic to your product, service, or landing page.
220,000 Listens
Per Month
Our hosts will read your commercial themselves and drive traffic to your product, service, or landing page.
Frequently Asked Questions
You have questions. I get it. I also have answers.
What qualifies as a Listen?
A listen is every time a real human being downloads or streams the podcast episode containing your ad and listens to the program.
How do I know my ad will be heard by the right people?
We do an in-depth consultation call with all new clients to discuss your dream lead. We work hard to only select the podcast programs that will be an excellent match for your product or service.
How do I know my ad is actually being played?
Every month you will recieve a PDF report clearly detailing which podcast programs your ad was read on, the timestamp of where the ad begins, as well as a direct link to the episode. This will allow you to audit the shows every month and make sure your ad is being read that reflects your brand and is completed as agreed upon.
How do you track how many people listen?
All of our podcasts use sophisticated analytics software where we can accurately track the amount of listens for every episode.
What types of shows are in the Vivate network?
Our network primarily includes the businesses, politics, investing, and entrepreneurship niche, but also includes excellent shows in the travel, digital nomad and freedom niches.
Are there any long-term contracts when signing up with Vivate?
We are here to make sure you are happy and only wish to do business with companies and individuals who enjoy and understand the value of our services. We simply ask that if you wish to cancel your monthly ad plan that you give us a minimum of 60 days' notice so we have time to properly make arrangements with the podcast's hosts in our network.
More questions?
Do not hesitate to contact us at
Book A Call With Us
It's no secret that big tech has more and more control over our lives but there are indie shows out there with millions of devoted followers, we will help you tap into them.
If you are looking to get more traffic for your product or service without having to pay your tithe to Big Tech, reach out to the Vivate team today and find out if podcast advertising is right for you!
Contact Us Now